Sunday, January 26, 2014

'Point at Center' for SketchUp 2013 - 스케치업2013에서 원중심 찾는 기능

When SketchUp 2013 was released, the old and handy extension 'Point at Center' didn't come with its installation. The extension was really handy since SketchUp can't have real arc and circle, so it enabled me to snap the center of arc and circle. But it would be too early if you blame its new host. The new host 'Trimble' seems to have a plan. They managed to open 'Extension Warehouse' storing various plug-ins for SketchUp same as Apple app store. People around the world who can write small programs for SketchUp are able to post them and make money.

Any way, How can you bring the old 'Ruby Script Example' to the version 2013 as same as you had in SketchUp 8?

스케치업이 2013으로 업된 이후, 본래 있던 'Point at Center' 기능, 원이나 호의 중심점을 그려주는 기능,이 사라졌다. 이 기능을 이전 버전처럼 돌려주는 방법을 소개한다.

1. Visit Extension Warehouse
--- Extension Warehouse를 방문한다.

2. Log in (This may require you to open a new account or use existing Gmail account)
--- 로그인을 한 뒤, (새로운 계정을 만들거나 지메일 계정을 이용해 로그인한다)

3. Search 'Example Ruby Scripts by SketchUp Team' (You may need to filter out by selecting 'SketchUp Team' under the category of 'Author' in the left column)
--- 'Example Ruby Scripts by SketchUp Team'으로 검색한다 (왼쪽 author 항목에서 SketchUp Team을 선택하면 해당 제작자의 목록만 나온다)

4. Download the plug-in (You can also click this to download)
--- 해당 플러그인을 다운받는다(위 문장의 this를 클릭하면 다운받을 수도 있다)

5. Open SketchUp 2013
--- 스케치업 2013을 열고

6. Open 'Preference', go to 'Extensions' in the left pane, and click 'Install Extension'
--- '환경설정'을 열고 오른쪽에서 '확장기능'을 선택한 후 왼쪽 아래 '확장기능 설치' 버튼을 누른다

7. Select the downloaded file(su_examples_110.rbz) in the opened window, then you can see the conformation.
--- 다운받은 파일(su_examples_110.rbz)을 선택해 열면 아래와 같은 확인창이 뜬다

8. Draw a circle, right click on the edge, and you can see the extension at the bottom of the window
--- 원을 그리고 테두리를 선택한 후 오른쪽 클릭하면 해당 기능을 사용할 수 있다.

9. Done!!
--- 완성!!

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